How lucky am I to get to share the gospel with such amazing people?!!! |
One of our favorite investigators!!! |
Holy frijoles what a week!
So we finally actually got my travel plans. Yay! haha. It's crazy. It looks like the district from the MTC (The one right after us) will be meeting us there :) Crazy!! So we will be flying out tomorrow morning and we will be stopping in Tokyo before going to Taipei. We will arrive in Taipei on Wednesday night. I honestly can't believe it's happening. I knew it would... but this is just crazy.
So this has been a big subject of prayer for me. When we were eating one of our Thanksgiving dinners at the bishop's house, we told them I was leaving on Tuesday and then he said, "So this time next week you'll be sitting at a table and eating with chopsticks?" I'm not sure why, but that just flipped a switch in me and I became so nervous. It was such a crazy thought... speaking Chinese all day every day, eating Chinese food, being a missionary in Taiwan... man! My heart just became very anxious. But I've been praying about it every single day since then and today a miracle has happened. I was really nervous for today because it's literally my last day in Dunwoody, but let me tell you that the power of prayer is real. I have had a very real spiritual shield surrounding me all day today. My heart doesn't race when I think about the flight, or the food, or anything. God is protecting me because of my prayers and I cannot begin to tell you how badly I needed that. I've been able to focus on the tasks at hand and get things done. It is only because of God's love that I am able to sit at this computer in this library today and feel calm and collected and... dare I say it... prepared for what Tawian has in store. Even though my Chinese has suffered greatly, I've still got lots of packing to do, and I'm going to a place I've only ever heard about, I feel spiritually prepared to go. I feel like I have been in the refiner's fire and I am better now than when I started this journey in Dunwoody.
Thanksgiving was the best :) haha
2:00 Asper's dinner
-Brother and Sister Asper are converts of about 3 years. They are just hilarious. We go over to their house every P-day for lessons on Isaiah. They invited a lot of family and non-member friends and so it was awesome to be able to share our light with them. We had some of the most delicious food I've ever eaten. The star of the meal was probably the squash casserole. Then, before we left, we sang Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing for the whole group. We were pretty nervous, but the Spirit was so strong there! God loves His children. After we were done they were all saying that we needed to go into careers in singing (Which is probably mostly accredited to the fact that they were intoxicated... haha). It was a powerful and simple way to share our testimonies.
4:00 Abamonte's dinner
-Bishop Abamonte is from Australia and his wife is from New Zealand so they're accents are just the best. There were a TON of people at the Abamonte's and once again we had a stupendous meal. There were quite a few ward members and it was fun to be together. Sister Burckle and I had planned to sing and share a message, but we were both pretty nervous. It was a pretty big crowd! haha But it was absolutely incredible. As we began to sing, the room went completely silent. All the kids stopped babbling and, aside from our singing, you could've heard a pin drop. Music is powerful and it truly is a prayer unto Heaven. How lucky we are to be able to share that gift wherever we are, whatever we are doing.
Then we went and sang to a couple of older members of the ward. One of them's name is Brother Messinah. He's a ward missionary and he lives alone. He couldn't let us in, so we just sang to him on his porch. Once again, the Spirit was there and testified of God's love. We were all pretty emotional.
After that we went to the Like's home :) That's where you got the video of us singing :) haha. That was our worst time ever... we were so mad. haha But the Spirit is the most important thing right? Not the individual notes :)
The Abamonte's served merengue at Thanksgiving Dinner. One of my favorites!!! |
My mom asked me what I will miss about Georgia...
Oh my gosh... what will I miss about Georgia? EVERYTHING!
-Southern hospitality
-Sister Burckle
-The name Dunwoody
-All the roads named Peachtree
-My district
-Southern cooking
-THE DUNWOODY WARD... every single person in there
-Our car
-Our phone
-All the missionaries here
-President Harding
-Talking to every Asian person we see and finding out that they're Korean
-The Buford Highway international Farmer's market
-The Savoy (Our apartment complex)
-Our investigators.
This last one is probably the hardest. You get so invested in people and their Salvation and choices and progression and just... everything! I'm going to miss our investigators and their stories. I've met such a diversity of people here in Georgia. Hispanics, African Americans, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Iraqi, Afghani, Indian, and more. It's been such a blessing to me to see all of them as children of our Heavenly Father. We are so blessed to have the knowledge we do and to live in the country we live in!
My amazing district! I love them all so much and will miss them:) |
One of my favorite people, Sister Augusto. She is an inspiration. I want to be her when I grow up! |
My goal was to give out my last Chinese B of M before leaving Georgia. Everyone I talked to at the market that day was from Korea:) haha. But just as I was about to give up I met a man and his daughter who were from China!!! Yep, I gave them the last one I had:) |
Peace out, ATL. I will miss you!!! |
This week was very powerful. I love you all so much!!!! Thanks for all the love and support:) I'm off to Taiwan:)
Gu Jiemei